Tuesday, May 29, 2012


For those of you that haven't put the puzzle together from the Facebook posts or pictures, I've spent the past three-ish weeks in the beautiful country of England. I have a very dear Aunt and Uncle that live just thirty minutes north of London, and I (along with a couple dear friends of mine) decided to trek over here for a while to explore...and explore, we have! Although we have been all over kingdom come, visiting London countless times, Cambridge, Oxford, Amptill, Ashwell, and many, many other villages...there is one thing that strands out in particular.

I have had one of the greatest experiences of my life spending a good amount of time in Europe these past weeks. It has solidified and made one thing very, very clear to me: I do not live simply enough. I do not take time out of my days to just sit there, be quiet, no music, no people, no noise, and just think. Clear my mind. I don't do it! The English (so I've noticed) have this very calm demeanor about them; I see tons all over the place just sitting alone or taking a stroll through the park, having a cappuccino, walking their dogs on a quiet alley way, reading a book, or just sitting on a bench, watching the water of the Thames roll by. These people have either got a magic trick up their sleeves, or they have captured the art of living simply (or more simple than Americans). I would argue it is the latter. I've tried this peculiar technique throughout my days, and I have found it to be incredibly releasing and peaceful. My mind is able to rest, pray, and think about my heart without the distractions of anything else. I realize this is no revolutionary concept, but it is something that I think the vast majority of people would do well to practice. To master the state of tranquility is a beautiful and rare jewel.

From my time alone on my trip, I have found and rediscovered new and old ways about WHY I love God. It is an easy answer to extract things that one knows to be true about God from the people that surround you, but it is such a special and intimate thing to know why you love Him because of how He makes YOU PERSONALLY feel. I feel Him in the trees, as they creak and sway through the sweet wind. I feel Him when I take walks through the countryside, looking at the sun slowly disappearing behind the tree line. I feel Him when I sit and listen to the birds. I feel Him when I find a secret garden in the woods, and sit, feeling the dirt and flowers surrounding me. I feel Him stir in my heart when I see how His love makes me want to love others, not just the "lovable" people in my life. I feel Him in sweet silence. I feel Him when I watch nature go by. I feel Him when I spend simple time alone with Him.

I will miss this beautiful country, but am very interested/excited how I transfer what this country has had to offer me back home to Phoenix. Thankfully, I will be studying abroad in London in a little over six months. Until then, England. Au Revoir.

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